Thursday, March 3, 2011

Catching up

So I am slowly catching up on schoolwork, although its certainly taken me long enough!  Spring in the near future certainly helps with getting me motivated.  Remember my little article about getting organized?  Guess I should be the one paying attention to it.  I took Tuesday off which was a semi-smart idea.  On one hand, I got caught up on one school lesson and I'm hoping to get mostly through another tonight.  I think I found the problem to my being

It seems like I've been having a hard time hitting  my 15 hours of homework each week, yet I've managed to watch almost 13 hours a week.  See the same problem that I do?  So now I'm banking tv time by doing homework first, then watching "my shows."  So far its helped a ton!  I've already done almost 10 hours this week and right now I'm hoping to get at least 5 hours done each day tomorrow and Saturday.

I finally ordered supplies for my friend's baby announcements.  The envelopes came in today, now I just have to wait for all the other stuff!  Good thing I'm a bit ahead of time because she found out today she's due in 8-9weeks.  YIKES!  I better get cracking!

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